Friday, July 25, 2008

Planet Fun!!!

Since this morning was so rainy and dreary again I decided to take Ollie to Planet Fun! There are lots of tunnels and slides for the little ones to go through. I told them Ollie would be 2 next month so he got in for free and so did I...great!! Unfortunately I forgot to bring socks so we had to take quick trip down the street to Big Lots for socks. Oh well! Ollie had a great time, he immediately met a little girl named Erin who is 4 years old. Erin was very excited that Ollie could say her name so well! I had to follow Ollie through the tunnels because about 3 different summer camps showed up and the big kids would just plow through him if I was not behind him and Ollie would get scared. I don't blame him! The kids get a little crazy there! Ollie should be ready for a long nap now! Here are some pics of Ollie at Planet Fun!!!

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