Sunday, July 27, 2008

Girls Day Out...Boys Day In...

Today we had a girls day out. Aunt Barb, Aunt Patti, Laurie, Mom and I all went to a bead shop in Alton to make jewelry. It was so much fun!!
If I go again I think I will have Laurie design a bracelet for me - she has a real talent!!!

I made a mom bracelet. It has Ollie's name on it with pretty beads in between and this cute little boy charm hanging from the clasp.
Here is a close up of my bracelet...I am really happy with the way it turned out!

Meanwhile, Ollie stayed home with Daddy today. This is the first time Chris has had Ollie all to himself for a full day. They played inside a lot and of course they had to go on the ride ride! The only bad thing is that Ollie did not take a nap until 4:00! Yikes!! He is going to be up late tonight!

Funny story...Chris asked Ollie if he was ready to change his poopy diaper and Ollie said yes. Ollie ran upstairs and when Chris got to Ollie's room he was laying on his changing pad and had already taken off his shorts and was waiting for Chris while he held onto a clean diaper! I guess he wanted to make sure that Daddy did not put the poopy one back on him!!

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