Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday evening...

Late this afternoon, I took Ollie up to the mall to play. It was just too hot to play outside. He loves this little blue car they have and he thinks it is his. We had to leave after about 30 minutes of playing because he bit a little girl who was trying to drive in the car with him. What a stinker!

Then we went to Maw Maw's house and she got out a little bucket of water for Ollie to play with.
Well, Ollie does not like for his clothes to be wet so everytime something got wet he would take it off.

Until there was nothing left to take off and he refused to put anything on.
Ollie then decided that he wanted to play in Maw Maw's bath tub so he did that while I ran to Aunt Erin's to pick up a movie. When I got back they were laying on the floor in Ollie's room with lots of blankets watching Scooby Doo. I told Ollie that it was time to go home but he wanted to stay at Maw Maw's house. We will see if he makes it all night! I'll let you know tomorrow....

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