Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy B-Day Uncle Jack!

Today we went to Papa's house for Uncle Jack's b-day and for the 4th! Ollie, of course, has to go on the ride ride! He went 3 times today, I think!
Uncle Mark is also here from Texas and he bought a bunch of scratcher lottery tickets and we all played. Then we took whatever winnings we had to Farm Fresh and got some more!
The lottery tickets lasted all afternoon!
Time for presents! Ollie has to help open them!
More lottery tickets! Unfortunately, no one won the 50,000 a year for life - oh well maybe next time!
Ollie is having a great time - he is always the center of attention!

This is a new game... two stakes in the yard each has a beer bottle on it. Then you throw a frisbee while holding a drink in your hand and try to hit the other beer bottle off. The other people have to catch the frisbee the the beer bottle all while holding onto their own drinks!
It is harder than you think!

Here is a video of Ollie playing with some poppers! He likes to stomp on them!

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