Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weenie Roast

Saturday evening we went to Grandma Ames' for a weenie roast. We had a great time. Ollie got to swing on the tire swing. Aunt Erin pushed him very high. He said you have to put your feet out so you don't hit the tree! Good to know buddy!

Look how big Cloe is getting!

Cassie & Cloe were taking turns holding Ivy.

Ollie & Daddy play basketball.

Of course Ollie has to climb the pole.

Playing in the climbing tree.

and jumping out of the climbing tree. You would think he would learn. Earlier in the day he jumped down our stairs and his knee hit his chin and he bit a chunk out of the inside of his lip but does that keep him from jumping? NO!

Krista shows Ivy her puppy, Chomper! Ivy likes doggies.

Chris was our roaster. He made hotdogs for me, Ollie, Erin, himself and I think Marcie even got in on it. Then he made smores for us too! How lucky...we just got to sit and relax (with a tired baby) and eat.
Tyler & Kristina just chillin.

Ollie, Cassie & Cloe found some costumes in Grandma Ames' basement. Ollie dressed up like a ninja with a hard hat? He thought it was pretty cool though!

It was Bill's (Lester's brother) 40th birthday. He had a spiderman on his cake as well has a grim reeper and some black balloons. Ollie begged for the spiderman until he finally got to keep it.

It was a great night for a weenie roast. It was not cold at all but also not too hot.

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