Saturday, October 9, 2010

Busy 3 Day Week

Wednesday evening Ollie and I made a picnic dinner and went to Laurel Park to eat and play. We made peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, chips and a cupcake. Ollie picked everything out. Ollie met a little boy at the park and they played for a long time. When the boy left Ollie said "do you come here all the time?" the boy told him yes and Ollie said "I will be here all the time." It kind of makes me sad because what are the chances that they will be there at the same time again. Oh well at least they had fun while they were there.

Thursday evening was soccer practice. Ollie had so much fun at this practice. They were practicing getting the ball and turning it around to the other goal. Ollie got it in the goal twice and yelled "I'm winning mommy!"

Friday after work we were wrapping a birthday present for Ollie's friend Nathan. He is turning 5. Ollie got upset because he wanted to be 5 too. He wanted someone to make him a cake so he could be 5. I explained that I would make him a cake but that would not make him 5 he has to wait until July 20th. I told him all the fun things he had to do while he was 4 that he didn't want to miss. I explained that only a 4 year old Ollie could be the Joker for Halloween and that we already had the costume. So I got it out to try it on to see if it would fit a 4 year old. Thank goodness it did! Ollie was so excited he was automatically happy again and wore the costume for most of the evening.

We went to Ivy's house for dinner and Aunt Erin wanted to take their pics in their costumes. Ivy is going to be a mermaid. At first she didn't want her picture taken next to the scary Joker (and she didn't want that crazy shell on her head!)

But after we took them outside she was fine.
What a pretty mermaid!


Anonymous said...

Ivy IS a beautiful mermaid. I don't blame her though about the shell. Maybe she could lose the shell. It is fun to see that Frankenstein is still around.

Patti Jewell said...

Wow I love the Joker costume. Ollie looks great! I love Ivy's mermaid costume tool. This is so fun!!