Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

We stayed around the house today to rest up for the big night! Ollie dressed up in his own version of a Batman costume.

After dinner we started getting ready for trick-or-treating! We spray painted his hair and then put on lots of face paint!

Daddy worked on the water-squirting flower but it was not cooperating and just dripped water all over the Joker costume so we did not leave the flower hooked up to the squirter.
What a scary Joker!
Ollie, Kathryn & Andrew

Ivy trick-or-treated too!
There was an ambulance down at the park that the kids had to check out. Ollie wasn't interested in staying at the kid station at the park so after the ambulance we hit some more houses on our way home. He was really into trick-or-treating this year. He was running from house to house.

By the time we got home Ollie really looked like the Joker. His make-up was smeared all over his face. To my surprise everything washed off of him very easily in the shower. There is no sign of green hair or black eyes.

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