Friday, October 22, 2010


At 2:00am Ollie woke up with a big GASP for air and then started coughing (barking) uncontrollably. I put him in my bathroom and turned on a hot shower. This did not seem to help. He could not stop coughing and was crying. I quickly changed into clothes and threw him in the car and we headed to the ER. By the time we got there the coughing stopped but I could still hear every breath he took. The registration ladies were very nice and could hear him as well. He was admitted and they put him in an adjustable bed. Of course he liked playing with the buttons to move the bed around.

All the nurses doted over him. He was happy to get a popcicle. The Dr came in and I had to tell the story for the 3rd time and he listened to him and checked him all out for the 2nd time and then said he has Croup. He said it is in the early stages and should be taken care of by a breathing treatment and some steroids. Apparently the best thing to do for Croup during a coughing fit is take the child out into the cold air which is why he wasn't coughing when we got to the ER. Man I don't think there is anything more scary than when your child cannot breathe, you feel very helpless.
They gave him some yucky medicine and then they did the breathing treatment. Ollie did very well the whole time. His nurse said he was her best patient of the night. We got home a little after 3:30am. Now I need to get going and call his pediatrician's office to let them know what happened and go fill his prescription.

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