Monday, October 25, 2010

Ghouls in the Garden

Sunday afternoon we went to Ghouls in the Garden at the Botannical Gardens. Ollie said he wanted to wear his Batman costume because it is not Halloween yet. When we got to the garden he said he didn't want to wear his Joker costume because he didn't want to scare Ivy. What a sweet boy!

There were lots of different stations to stop at and get candy. Ollie says we went trick-or-treating. This is the mad scientist station.

Ivy gnawed on this piece of licorice for quite awhile. She never broke through the plastic though.

Ollie, Aunt Erin, Ivy and Cousin It.

What a cool slide. It looks like you are sliding on the inside of a tree!

Ollie was looking for fossils and then started cleaning the floor. Why doesn't he sweep the floor at home?
There are lots of things to climb on in the children's garden.

Ollie LOOK at Mommy and say cheese!


This is better!

Look at this concentration!
Oh Man!

1 comment:

Patti Jewell said...

OMG those kids are soooo precious! It looks like you had a great time. Man,