Saturday, August 2, 2008

Back to Reality!

Well, yesterday was my first day at my new job. It was just a lot of paperwork, I still have no clue exactly what I will be doing. I am working for intake in the child support division. So far it seems that I will meet with walk-ins to take their applications and enter new applications into the system. I found out that between now and October I will have to go to Jeff City for 2 weeks (a week at a time) for training...yikes! I have never been away from Ollie for more than one night - what am I going to do??? I'm sure it will be fine, besides both my mom and dad have expressed that they would like to keep Ollie for a week next summer so it was bound to happen sooner or later! I will write more on the new job when I know more about what I will be doing so stay tuned!

Chris left to go fishing last night and will not be back until Sunday afternoon so it is just me & Ollie this weekend. This morning we got up and went to garage sales with Maw Maw. I found this "My First Lap Top" for .25 and it just needed batteries. What a deal! Ollie loves it - he says "my puter!" Look at him just working away!

Ollie also got a pair of soccer shoes, spiderman slippers and roller blades from the garage sales - we hit the jackpot!!! They are all size 10 (he is only an 8 or 8 1/2 right now but they should fit him next year and since he cannot be in soccer until he is 3 that is perfect timing!

After garage sales we played at Maw Maw's house for awhile then went to Ponderosa for lunch. Kids 3 and under are free and Ollie ate alot! He had a hodge podge of food. It was perfect for him then he got ice cream for dessert! Then it was time to go home for a nap - Ollie was so tired he was beside himself. He through the biggest fit and I still do not even know what was wrong. There is a video of the first part of his temper tantrum below. After he finally came out the bathroom he shut himself in my room and then when he came out of there he was poopy so I had to change his diaper while he was screaming, kicking and carrying on - what a nightmare. After the diaper change I tried to hold him to calm him down. I asked if he wanted to sit with mommy and he said yes. But, he did not want to sit on his bed, my bed or the couch the only word he knew was no! So I decided to suck it up and lay with him in his bed. He continued to scream and cry and pick, pinch and hit I have some bruises on my arm to prove it. Finally he fell asleep sniffling. Poor buddy, I don't know what got into him!
Ollie woke up much happier and we went to the Mall with Maw Maw and Ollie got to play in the play area for quite a long time. When we left it was time for dinner and then a quick stop to Wal-Mart where we got these new jammies for Ollie the shirt says "I Love Monsters, Mud and Mess!" and Ollie said "oh cute" when we got in the car. Ollie also got lots of Hot Wheels cars with his birthday money - thanks Aunt Teresa & Uncle Lester!!!

Here is the video of the first part of Ollie's fit. It is kind of dark but he slithers down the hall and shuts himself in the bathroom! Silly boy!

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