Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thursday Evening!

This evening we went out back to play on the ride ride truck and then we found Katherine, Becky, Nate and Jenny. They stayed to play at the park with us for a little while but then it started to rain so we all went into Becky and Katherine's house to play. When it was time for them to eat dinner Ollie and I came home and took a shower and got our jammies on. Then Ollie wanted to paint in his Manny book. Here is a video of Ollie painting.

After painting Ollie says "My tummy s wet Mommy!" I said "Well I wonder how your tummy got wet!" I'm sure it had nothing to do with him dumping the water out of the bowl and all over the table! Anyway, Ollie proceeded to take off his jammies and throw them down the laundry shoot. Then he went to his room to pick out the jammies he wanted to wear. When I got up there he had picked out his Elmo jammies. They are for winter time and I tried to explain that he would be hot and that he does not like his feet to be confined in his jammies but there was no reasoning with him so on went the hot Elmo jammies. We will see if he will actually sleep in them all night.

Oh...he looks like a baby in those feet jammies!!!


Kelsey S said...

Aww that is too cute!


Andrea said...

I can't believe how well he is talking!! That is awesome. (Of course I am sure you wish you had an "off" switch occasionally!)