Sunday, August 24, 2008

Work Day!

Today, my dad and uncle Larry came over to help finish the "Great Wall of St. Peters!" It needs another step put in and the dirt needs to be shoveled down flat so we can plant grass.
Aunt Barb came over too! She wanted to visit with the girls and Ollie!
But...Ollie wanted to help the guys!
He is such a good helper!
Here are some pics of Ollie pretending to walk an imaginary dog.

You can't do yard work at the Toussaint's house without renting some heavy machinery!
Ollie wanted to watch the big "tractor" but he didn't want to get too close!
Maw Maw got in his climber to watch the tractor with Ollie.

Ollie did get a chance to drive the tractor with Daddy - he thought that was pretty cool!

Here he is right in the middle of everything again.

Later, Grandma Pati and Great-Papa came over to help "supervise"!

The guys got a lot of work done today and the heavy machinery helped move things along. They finished the last step and got most of the dirt flat. All that needs to be done now is to till up the dirt and plant grass seed! Yippee! A three year project is almost coming to an end!
Thanks for your help everyone - we really appreciate it!

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