Sunday, August 3, 2008

Daddy's home!

This morning we went over to Papa's house to see Papa, Grandma Pati and Great-Papa!
Ollie had a good time flipping Great-Papa and Grandma Pati's chairs back so their feet would fly up! He thought that was pretty funny! Papa and Bill were working on the apartments across the street. We all went out to lunch and then it was time for Ollie and I to go home to see Daddy! Ollie was sleeping when we got home so Chris had to wait until he woke up at 3:00 to see him.

Ollie wanted to try out his new rollerblades. This is a pic of him standing still - he can do that pretty well but if he tries to move his feet go opposite ways. After this we went out back and rode Ollie's truck for a little while then came in to cool off and have dinner. At 7:00 we went back out to ride his truck - we were just going to stay out for 15 min but after we rode down the bike trail and started back up to the house little Pete was at Kappel's house and came out to see Ollie's truck. Ollie actually shared his truck with little Pete - I was very impressed. They played very well together for a good hour. Ollie even rode in the back of his truck and Pete drove him around. They were very funny to watch! Finally the battery in the truck started to die so it was time to come home. When we got inside it was 8:20! So much for getting Ollie to bed by 8:30!

1 comment:

Connie said...

Good Job!

I can't even handle roller blades! My feet go up in the air!