Sunday, June 1, 2008

Outside All Day!

Today Ollie played outside all day and I mean all day. He only came in to take an hour nap. He started out by mowing the grass. It's not enough that he and Daddy have to go on the ride ride everyday but he has to use his push mower too! Our grass must grow very fast!
Around 10:00 Papa and Great-Papa came over to visit. Daddy was going to work on their car and then Papa would help Daddy work on the steps on the side of our garage.
Ollie wanted to help build the new step too! It does not matter that the blocks weigh about 3 times more than Ollie does!
Ollie is such a good helper!
Maggie even came over to play for a little while. She was staying at her Grandma and Grandpa's house for awhile. They had a good time riding in Ollie's car.


Andrea said...

oh my goodness, Maggie looks exactly like Lori!! I hope the boys like to mow as much when they are 12 as they do now!!

Jen said...

No kidding... by the time they are older we will have to beg them to cut the grass! And, you are correct Maggie is a miniature Lori, she is so cute and the sweetest little girl!