Saturday, May 31, 2008

Busy Saturday

Today Maw Maw and Stu stopped by for a quick visit before they had to go to a baby shower. Maw Maw had to get her Ollie fix.
Every time Ollie sees Maw Maw's purse he says "Let's see!!" She always has some kind of fruit snack for him in there!
We decided to take a walk down to the park. Ollie had to push his lawn mower and did not want to ride in the wagon. I thought for sure his little legs would get tired so we took the wagon just in case, wouldn't you know he never rode in the wagon!
Ollie swinging on a big kid swing...hold on buddy!!

Of course he has to climb while he is at the park!
After the park, we went to the open house at the St. Peters fire house and Ollie saw 2 big red trucks! He got to climb in both of them and "drive drive". After about 15 minutes the firemen were all running around slamming the doors and said they had to go there was a fire! I had to snatch Ollie out of the drivers seat before they drove off with him. At least he got to see their lights and hear the sirens!

After all that we had lunch and then took a nap!

After Ollie's nap we went to Aunt Erin's house to go swimming. It was a little cold at first but after a minute or so it was pretty fun! Later we went home and played across the street with Ollie's friend Katherine.

Phew!! I am exhausted just thinking of all we did today!


Jenny said...

This is a really good idea! Ollie is so cute!

Andrea said...

I bet you looked pretty cool toting the wagon behind you!! Josiah would have loved to see the fire trucks!!

Jen said...

Yeah and on the way back from the park the lawn mower got to ride in the wagon and Ollie got carried up the big hill...usually he loves riding in his wagon. Not sure what was going on that day. Oh well!