Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!

Another busy day...Ollie's best father's day present was that he slept in until 9:30 this morning! He was tired after yesterday. On our way to Papa's house, we stopped by Aunt Debbie and Uncle Mike's. Daddy helped them fix their air conditioner - Daddy can fix anything! Above is Ollie and his cousin Cloe.
Below is Ollie and Papa on Papa's "ride ride"! Ollie cannot get enough of those lawn mowers!
Now Ollie is helping Papa cook the steaks...stay back it is hot!
Present time! Daddy got some new tongs!
Ollie is helping Papa open his presents!
Grandma Pati's Dad got some chocolate!
Ollie has moved on to Great-Papa - he goes to whoever has presents left to open! Just think buddy just a little over 1 month and it will be your 2nd birthday - lots of presents to open!

Grandma Pati's Great-Niece, Amelia stopped by to say hi. She will be one in July. Ollie liked her but we really have to work on the pushing and pinching! He just doesn't understand that littler people have a hard time staying on their feet when someone pushes them over!
Ollie finally crashed on the way home of course that was at 4:00 - let's hope it will not be another late night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot beleive how big Cloe is, they grow up too fast!