Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mickey Mouse?

After we got home from Fritz's tonight Chris was in the kitchen messing with some mouse traps and telling me and Ollie to be quiet when we came in. What is going on?? Well Chris saw a giant mouse run across our living room floor to behind our T.V. Well this is a big problem, hopefully he doesn't chew on any of the cords back there! Chris says he is so big because he has been eating some left over chocolate Easter Bunnies that were in the basement. So, this mouse is not very fast because he is so fat! Great! I told Chris to try to get rid of the mouse before Ollie and I got out of the shower - well you know that didn't happen. When we came back downstairs Chris was up looking all around the living room - he said that now the mouse was under the couch. (Meanwhile Ollie is all excited because he thinks Mickey Mouse is in the house.) Ollie and I hung out on the stairs and Chris flipped over the big couch, no mouse; then he flipped over the little couch and there he was - Mickey Mouse! I was screaming and then Ollie started crying and the mouse ran down the stairs so now Chris has to figure out where he went! Poor Ollie couldn't figure out why Mommy was screaming and why this little thing was running around our living room, and where was Mickey Mouse?

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