Saturday, June 21, 2008

Longest Day of the Year!

What a day! First of all...see Aunt Erin I do play with my legos!
We waited this morning to get Ollie dressed because we went to take his 2 year old pictures at JC Penney's. Our appointment was at 10:30. I called them at 10:00 just to make sure they were still on schedule - they were - yippee! So I got Ollie dressed and Aunt Erin and I took Ollie to get his pics taken. Of course when we got there they were not on schedule - I should have known. So Ollie was looking at things with Aunt Erin and got his hands on a package of incense or something and Aunt Erin tried to take it away so Ollie went running off with it. Of course, he fell and the package got him right in the throat. I could hear him screaming but just thought that Erin took something away from him. They came back over and I noticed his neck was all scratched up and was bleeding. After I got him calmed down I realized that he had blood on his shirt so off we went to buy a new shirt to get pics taken in. Fabulous! We still had to wait about 15 min after we got back from buying a new shirt - how annoying! Finally it was Ollie's turn - we were there almost 2 hours from start to finish.

Now it was time for lunch so we went to Ruby Tuesdays and Ollie got a mini cheese burger and "fry fries" with dip (ketchup). Ollie thought it would be fun to take the "dip" out of the bowl and smash it into his burger and fry fries. What a mess!
After Ollie's nap, Mommy, Aunt Erin and Maw Maw went to Hobby Lobby to find some paper for Aunt Erin's wedding invitations...all we ended up finding was an Elmo pinata and plates, hats and napkins for Ollie's birthday party! One more month and Ollie will be 2 - Holy Cow!
After Hobby Lobby we stopped in Office Depot and on our way to Target we got sidetracked at Famous Brand Shoes. Ollie wanted to try some shoes on too! Ollie did really well with all of our stops - we only had one melt down in Hobby Lobby and that only lasted about 5 min - thank goodness!
Finally we came home! We were going to take Ollie to the park but he wanted to play in his own yard. He had a great time running to the birch tree in our backyard and bringing Maw Maw some bark that he picked off. Then it started to get dark and the lightning bugs came out! They were so much fun to catch!
As you can see Ollie had a blast!

Here is a video of Ollie catching lightning bugs!

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