Saturday, June 28, 2008

This morning Stroller Class was at the Mall because we were supposed to have thunderstorms. So, after class I took Ollie to the play area for staying in his stroller so well! He had a great time playing, we have not been there since it has gotten nice outside.
Later our friend, Gennie, Jay, Little Jay and Baby Chris were down the street visiting their grandparents house and they invited Ollie down to play in the pool. Little Jay only stayed in for a few minutes after we got there but Ollie stayed in for awhile considering how cold the water was!

Gennie and Jay were asked to go out to dinner with Gennie's sister so I offered to watch Little Jay and Chris. After dinner Little Jay wanted to go to the park so I loaded all the boys up and away we went.
Andrea, now I know what it is like to be you...we were quite the show stopper. Two 2 year olds and a 4 month old strapped to me! Yikes, I don't know how you do this everyday! After pushing the double stroller up the huge hill to get home I was thinking, who's bright idea was this?

1 comment:

Andrea said...

You do look like me!! Just think, the big stroller of mine with all 3 in it is 118 pounds!! Talk about a work out!