Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Ollie!!!

Today was Ollie's 3rd birthday! I can't believe he is three years old!

We started the day off with presents! Linda, my fabulous co-worker, sent 4 bags of presents for Ollie! She spoils him. Although I only gave him 3 of her 4 in the morning. You will see why later!

Ollie got a new big boy bike from Mommy & Daddy and a new batman blanket to take to school for naps!

He loves his big boy bike!

Linda got him more batman toys and a scooby doo doll in a red rain coat and a scooby doo book! Thanks Linda!

Later my friend Andrea stopped by with her 3 little boys! They are in town for a few days from Champaign, IL. In the swings are Ty & Levi. They are 16 mos old. So cute!

Here is Josiah & Ollie.

We ordered pizza for lunch. Four little boys sitting at the kitchen table. There were alot of boys in my house today - Tyler & Christopher were downstairs. The pizza did not last very long!

After pizza we had batman birthday cake!

Me & Andrea.
Good friends, play time at the park, pizza & cake = a fabulous 3 year old birthday!

Aunt Erin & Ollie playing his new video games!

After nap time, we tried out the new bike! Ollie rode down the street to the court and rode around down there where it is flat! There is a video below of him riding his bike!

Uncle Kevin, Ollie & Mommy playing with the batcave!

After showers, it was time to open the 4th present from Linda. Can you guess what it was???

Another batman outfit!!! See why we had to wait until later in the day. Otherwise he would have worn this all day and it was too hot today for long sleeves & pants!
Happy birthday Ollie - you are such a good boy & Mommy loves you so much!!!

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