Friday, July 3, 2009

4th of July Weekend Kickoff!

Last night we went downtown St. Charles to the fair. I did my best to talk Tyler and Zack into going with us but they didn't want too. Didn't want to cramp their style by hanging out the adults!

It was "wrist band night" so you could pay $15 and ride as many rides as you want from 4-11pm. Ollie got a wrist band and rode all the rides he was big enough to ride!

Aunt Erin & Uncle Kevin took him on the Dizzy Dragon!

I went down the big slide with Ollie once. He did fine carrying his rug up the steps and did not seem scared at all.

So then he went down by himself at least 5 more times!

This ride is kind of like the Dumbo ride they go up pretty high. Ollie was putting his feet up on the seat and turning around. The guy yelled at him a couple of times and Ollie just laughed at him. I don't think he could hear what he was saying. We didn't ride this anymore b/c I was afraid he would fall out.

There was a climber and tunnels that Ollie loved. He went in this thing more than 10 times. Later in the evening I told him it would be the last time and he went in and I didn't see him for awhile. There were lots of kids in there and no one was coming out. I thought I heard someone crying so I stuck my head in to yell for Ollie. Then the lady that was working there said she would go in and get them. Some of the kids finally started to come out and one little girl was bawling. Her mom asked her what was wrong and she said a little boy was hitting her. Ollie still hadn't come out and I finally saw him coming back down to go out the entrance. Meanwhile the other parents were freaking out that someone was in there hitting the other kids. I grabbed Ollie when he came out and walked away with him. When we got away from the others I asked him if he was hitting. He said yes. I asked why and he said "it was my bridge". Yikes! I have a little bully on my hands. I explained that we don't hit anyone and that was bad so he could not go in there anymore. But, I was not about to walk back past the other kids with their parents. I didn't want them to recognize him!

While I was waiting in line for the Ferris Wheel Ollie got to go fishing! He caught two fish at one time! Can you see his grin?

There's another big grin!

Ollie and Mommy riding the Ferris Wheel.

We stopped at the very top when they were letting people off and he says "we're stuck up here, now what are we gonna do?" He was a little worried but glad when it started moving again.
We started to leave around 9:00. While we were walking back to the car we saw three police horsies! And the police lady stopped and let Ollie pet the horse. He thought that was so cool!
On the way home, Becky, my neighbor called and said that they were going to set off some fireworks and invited us over. They had some really good ones. So we hung out on their driveway for a long time. We didn't come in until midnight - bad mommy! Oh well, we had a good time.

1 comment:

Patti Jewell said...

OMG The slide looked so fun. I'm not sure I could stand to watch Ollie go down my his self. Yikes. It takes nerves of steal to be a parent :)