Saturday, July 4, 2009


On Friday we went swimming at Aunt Erin's house in the early afternoon and then home for a long nap.

Ollie loves his "joker glasses"!

Friday night we went to O'Fallon to see some fireworks. It worked out perfectly, we found Aunt Erin real quick. Craig Morgan was putting on a concert, we could not see him but we could hear him very well.

Tyler and his friend, Zach.

Ollie and Daddy working on Ollie's glow sticks from Batman & Robin.

Ollie looks so pretty!

Ollie, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Erin.

Ollie put his glow sticks into rings and was sharing with the baby. He loved this little baby girl he kept running over there during the fireworks to watch them with the baby!

Sorry Mom, I couldn't get a very good pic of the fireworks. Hopefully you got to see some at the cabin or in LA! The O'Fallon fireworks were fabulous! We were all sitting on a hill facing the fairgrounds and they started to the right of us so we all had to turn around. But then we were in the prime spot. They were right in front of us! They did a really good job and the finale went on forever! I kept thinking this is great it has to be the finale and then it would just keep on going!

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