Sunday, November 8, 2009

This Weekend...

Pumpkin Eyes! Saturday night Ollie decided to play with the pumpkin gel-clings on our back door. He thought it would be funny to eat with Pumpkin Eyes.

Ollie has had a low grade fever off an on for the past 5 days. The good thing is it is low grade so he was still able to go to school last week. This morning when we got up he was complaining that his ears hurt so we went to the Urgent Care first thing in the morning. Well he does not have an ear infection. His throat was a little red so they did a strep test - he did not have that either. So basically I took him to find out that he has some virus that they cannot treat but as long as his temp does not go above 100 he can go to daycare. Whatever it is I hope it goes away soon!

This afternoon we went with Aunt Erin to a new park in Cottleville. It is pretty cool. Lots of things to climb on!

Yes, he made it all the way up himself but needed help getting down.

He was a little scared climbing on this one the first time but the second time I was not sitting close to him so I stayed away but kept my eye on him. He did it all himself.

He made it all the way to the slide with no help and then I gave him a high five!

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