Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Yesterday was not the best day. In the afternoon I was told that I had to change my schedule to 8:30-5:30 M-F instead of the 7:30 - 4:30 that I have been working for one week and one day. So that was disappointing but I will do what I have to do. About an hour later Ollie's daycare called and said he had a fever of 102. Since Chris was off I called him 6 times on his cell phone and 6 times on the home phone but he never answered so I had to leave work 45 min early to go pick up Ollie. And of course Ollie cannot go back to daycare until he is fever free for 24 hours. So now they probably think that I was so mad about the schedule change that I just took off, great! So, after dinner last night Bella was barking at someone on the trail and we had the screen door on b/c it has been hot out the past couple of days. So I stood at the door and yelled at her to stop barking. She came running full speed and ran right through the screen! Seriously dog! At least Chris was home so once I got back with new screen material he fixed the door. Thank goodness.

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