Monday, November 30, 2009


Saturday morning Ollie got his first stocking present! He was awfully excited.

He got a new pair of "HO HO Jammies"!

Saturday afternoon, my sister planned a 30th birthday party for me at Red Lobster! Check out the cake - how cool!

I can't believe all the people came. My friend, Andrea, drove all the way down from Champaign!

It was so fun to hang out with everyone to celebrate the big 3 "O". Yikes I am old!
But, I did get alot of nice gifts - no goofy "Over the Hill" presents thank goodness!

Thank goodness for portable DVD players! This kept him busy for most of the time until the battery died.

Aunt Erin was thinking she wrapped up some Batman stickers for Ollie to open! He was so excited. He thinks it was his birthday too!

Erin concentrating very hard on cutting the cake. She left all the pictures on the cake for me to take home and eat. I guess she just couldn't bring herself to cut up the pictures.

Ollie is showing Shelby the ornaments he made at Aunt Patti's house.

Ollie and Mommy sporting our new cookie day cowboy hats.

Here is Ollie in his new jammies, trying to help daddy put up the Christmas lights.

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