Saturday, January 24, 2009

Diego Balloon

Last night I took Ollie over to Maw Maw's so I could do some shopping for the January Birthday's weekend. Tonight we are celebrating, Tyler & Crista's birthdays and tomorrow evening we are celebrating Aunt Erin's birthday. Well, Ollie was not in a good mood on the way over there. He was screaming the whole ride to Maw Maw's house that he wanted to talk to Maw Maw, then when we got there he changed his mind to "I want my daddy!" Of course the person who was not there. I finally got him to calm down and snuck out the front door without him noticing but found out later that he figured it out and continued his fit for another 25 min! Yikes! Anyway, while I was out I saw a Diego balloon and thought that would make him happy when I got back. Well it worked he was fresh out of a bath and had so much fun with the balloon. He said "it's my birthday!" over and over. He associates balloons with birthday parties. There is short video below of Ollie playing with his balloon.

This morning after swimming class we went to Denny's and here is a pic of Ollie sitting in the window. They thought that a corner booth with a big window seel would be good for us, I bet they figured out that they would never sit little kids in that booth again!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ollie sure knows how to have fun with a balloon...and why do we buy our kids toys again???