Friday, December 26, 2008


Ollie had lots of presents from Santa and he was very excited about all of them!
He got two dinosaurs.

A Handy Manny repair truck and lots of new tools!

Then we were off to Maw Maw's house by 9:00.
Santa went there too!

Ollie got a new chair, just his size!

And fireman tools to go with his firehose that he got from Papa's house!

Later, we went to Aunt Barb's. Everyone got their pics taken together. Erin & Kevin.

Mom & Stu.

Bill & Patti.


Barb, Kyle & Larry

Present time! Aunt Patti got all the kiddos seventies wigs and glasses!

They were all hippied out!

One of the "trade" presents was a jar of pickled turkey gizzards. Grose! Of course there was a bet on who would eat them and who wouldn't!

Bel thought it looked like fun but just could not bring herself to eat one.

Ollie was so tired from yesterday, he slept in his clothes last night. This morning he had to watch Toy Story for the 3rd time in two days. He cuddled up in his new chair and ate some grapes.

Ollie wanted to wear his new Handy Manny jacket today. Here he is showing it off along with his new tools!

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