Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Saturday we got some McDonald's and went to the park "with the blue potty". Which is a park in Cottleville that Ollie really likes to go to. It is kind of special because it takes a little while to get there so we don't go very often. Ollie got a Wolverine toy in his happy meal and he couldn't be more excited! I guess we will have to go back to see what other super heroes are in their happy meals.

Spin spin spin...

What a little monkey.

After the park Papa & Grandma Pati came by for a bit before they were jetting off to Vegas. Ollie got to show Papa his DS.

Ollie got to pick between going to a wedding with mommy or going to Maw Maw's house. I thought for sure he would want to go to the wedding and dance and play with the other kids. It was a hard choice for him but he decided on Maw Maw's house. When I left the wedding and called her Ollie had been sleeping since 7:00. He was tired. He ended up spending the night again! Good thing though because she said he woke up at 6am Sunday. Yikes!

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