Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hulk Birthday

The Hulk birthday party was a success!! It started off scary because it rained all morning until about 12:00. Finally the rain stopped and we were able to dry everything off outside and it turned out to be a great day for a pool party! Here's a pic of Ollie's ice cream cake!

Ollie couldn't wait for the party to open his present from Aunt Erin. The box was so cool, it looked like the bat mobile! Ollie had a great time playing with the box!

Ollie got some Batman Underoos that glow in the dark. He had to put those on right away. Thankfully I was able to talk him into putting his swimming trunks on before everyone got there!

Two of Ollie's buddies from daycare came to help celebrate his birthday! Malik & Nathan. Malik and Ollie had the same Lego Batman trunks on. If you remember back in December when I took Ollie and Malik to Monkey Joe's they were both wearing the same Batman Hat & Gloves! They are two of a kind!

Malik was very excited about the Batman helicopter he got for Ollie!

Tyler gave Ollie ALL of his old army men. They were a hit!

Ollie got lots of good gifts. He got some new superhero books from John & Paula and an Optimus Prime Transformer from Papa & Grandma Pati! He also got some money for Monkey Joe's from Kathryn and a spiderman guy from Nathan! I'm sure there are a few things I am leaving out but Thanks everyone for your gifts!

Malik & Nathan sporting their Hulk & Iron Man masks!

Time for Cake!!

Ollie had been waiting all day to get that Hulk topper off the cake!

Is my tongue green?

Of course there were watergun fights!

After awhile the kiddos took turns jumping in to Aunt Erin and swimming back to the ladder without their wings!

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