Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July 2010

Ollie is all ready to go to Papa's for the 4th of July party! He's just waiting patiently watching Spongebob until it's time to go.

Ollie has his own fireworks! Everyone watch out you might get shot with his gun poppers!

Papa lit some snakes for him. Ollie liked watching them grow out of the rock.

The Thurston's

Aunt Barb & Baby Ivy

Check out the cheesecake I made! It turned out very pretty until the strawberries started to drain down the cake.

Kevin decorated their fruit pizza very well!

Ollie and Aunt Barb are having a conversation.

Ollie is waiting for his next sparkler. He did a couple of them and then one sparked by his eye and we had to put a cool wash cloth on his eye. Once he started to feel better you could tell it hit right under his eye. Thank goodness it didn't get him in the eye.

Ollie zonked out on the way home and Bella was in the back and we didn't hear a peep out of her until we got home.

When we got home she went straight to bed. She had a long day of chasing fireworks!

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