Sunday, June 20, 2010

Olde Tyme Picnic

Saturday morning we kicked off the day by going to the Olde Tyme Picnic parade. Aunt Erin fixed our shirts for us. One of Ollie's tacks came off so his shirt kept falling forward. They don't make shirts for kids so she cut out the picture and then tacked it on to another of his white shirts. I fixed it for him later when we got home so it was fine for the picnic at night.

Ollie & Ivy in their picnic shirts. Aunt Erin is getting very crafty. She cut up a shirt and puff painted it onto a onesie for Ivy. Very cute!

All the kiddos from the street were there and we all sat together. Here's Kathryn & Ollie!

Ollie, Kathryn, Chris & Jay

Then Lori, Maggie & Samantha showed up too!

How cool is this float? Those are real people making the statue. Can you imagine how hot and sore they were after the parade?

Then Mickey Mouse walked by and the kids were going crazy yelling for him to look at them!

A couple floats handed out popcicles instead of candy. Next year I will have to remember to bring some scissors to get the suckers open. By the time we got them open they were pretty much melted but at least they were still cold.

Not sure what they are discussing but it looks serious!

After the parade we went up to Jay & Chris' house to check out their brand new baby sister, Madeline. She was born on Tuesday. She has so much hair and it is thick! Ollie got a chance to hold her for a few minutes. Then it was back to playing with the boys.

Cousins - what a cute pic!

After dinner we went back down to the picnic and Ollie rode lots of rides. It was very muddy and the lines were long. Ollie & I still had some tickets left when the fireworks were over so we stayed a little longer than everyone else before leaving. Good thing was Aunt Erin was still in line for the shuttle bus and let us stand with her. I'm sure the people behind her were mad but oh well, we were all ready to go home!

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