Sunday, June 13, 2010

Baby Shower & Anniversary Party

Saturday I went to a baby shower for my friend, April. She is having a baby boy and her due date is Aug 4th. It was a very nice shower. It was earlier in the day than other showers which worked out well because Aunt Barb & Uncle Larry had a pool party and a 30th Anniversary Party for Aunt Patti & Uncle Bill! I left the shower and met everyone at the pool party.

What a cute cake!

See Bel sitting in the chair in the corner holding Ivy? She carried her around all afternoon. She loves babies!

Vivy & Ollie wanted Jello shots too - Aunt Barb had some jello "shots" just for them. They had fruit in the middle of them.

Uncle Wild Bill takes a break with Vivy & Ollie.

Time to cut the cake - could they find a bigger knife for them to use?

Vivy & Ollie are playing Barbie's. Ollie will probably kill me for taking this pic in about 10 years!

Aunt Erin & Uncle Kevin had a grad party to go to that night so I took Ollie & Ivy home with me. Ivy was getting cranky before we left but fell asleep in the car and didn't wake up for the rest of the night. I pretty much had to wake her up to get her to eat around 8:45. They picked her up at 11pm and she was still sleeping. I hope she slept as well for them!

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