Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Evening

After work today we took a walk to the park. There were a lot of little boys there and Ollie fit right in. They were all playing with sticks.
Ollie stole a big stick from the big boys and was getting away with it! They had a great time!
Just a side note, while we were at the park I noticed someone using the water fountain. They must have gotten a new one because on the back side of it is a little fawcet to replace the old big orange one they used to have to dogs to get a drink so Mom didn't need to take Bella down to the creek last time to get a drink after all. I'm sure you don't find that funny yet but maybe someday you will! Sorry Mom, I should have looked better!

Ollie wanted to wear his Batman jammies tonight.

We even had Bella dress up as Bat dog! I don't think she liked the cape all that much but she was a good sport!

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