Saturday, May 16, 2009

Let's go fly a kite!!!

There was a kite festival today at Woodlands Park. They were giving away free kites but Aunt Erin brought a new Buzz Lightyear kite for Ollie! It was a little cold because it was so windy so Ollie wore Maw Maw's sweatshirt for a little while. But since he had to run so much to try and get his kite to fly he got hot and gave it back to her.
It was a little frusterating at first but Maw Maw worked on his kite until it finally flew like a champ. She put new tails on it and then tied the bottom of the kite together so it would catch better. She's so smart!

Ollie got a little bored with the kite flying and played on the bleachers for a little while.

Look who showed up!!! Lori, Maggie & Samantha!

Here's Maggie and Ollie flying their kites. Can you see Ollie's Buzz kite? It is up pretty high! Maggie's was too high to get a pic of.

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