Saturday, November 22, 2008

Papa T is home!

Grandpa and Grandma Toussaint came over yesterday to bring Tyler and they took us out to dinner at Long Horn. Ollie was very happy to see Papa Toussaint!
Ollie played in the corner behing our table and under our table until our food came and then he sat in his chair and ate his dinner. He did pretty well.

Here is a good pic of Tyler and Papa Toussaint. Tyler is getting so big! I can't believe he is going to be 14 in January!

This morning Ollie wanted this huge halloween sucker that I got from someone at work about a month ago. He has been eyeing this sucker ever since I brought it home. I have been putting it off as long as I could but finally gave in this morning, I'm sure I will be regretting bringing it home any minute now!

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