Thursday, September 11, 2008

What a week!

There has not been a lot of time for me to take pictures and post a blog so I will just tell you what has been going on. Chris left on Monday morning for meetings in WI and will not be back until tomorrow evening. So early Monday morning we woke up threw on some clothes and hopped in the car to take Daddy to the airport. Ollie had a break down because he wanted to go on the airplane too! Poor buddy! So that started our day off bad and he was a pain the rest of the morning. He did not want to get back in his seat to go to the sitter's then he didn't want to get out of his seat when we got there. Of course not! Tuesday was not so bad; Aunt Erin picked Ollie up after work unexpectedly and then we all went out to eat. Dad stayed after work to fix Erin's yard so we went out for Mexican then to Fritz' because Ollie wanted a baby cone - you know he always gets what he wants!
Wednesday, the sitter called me at 11:15 and told me that she just didn't think it was going to work out. Great, now we have to find another babysitter by the first of Oct! Bad timing, I will be out of town for work the 22-26 then again the 6-10 so I need to find somewhere for him to start the week of the 29th so that I am home when he makes the change. Poor buddy, why doesn't anyone like watching you but me?? You can be so sweet but you definitely have your terrible two's moments too!
Today was pretty uneventful, thank goodness! I did go check out a daycare during my lunch hour that looks promising and I spoke to a friend who will be moving up the street this month. We will see. Whatever happens should be for the best and hopefully I will not have to look for another sitter anytime soon!

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