Saturday, September 27, 2008

Arthur's Picnic in the Park

This morning I watched little Jay and baby Chris for my friend Gennie. They are moving in up the street and needed time to get things unpacked. Ollie decided that he was hungry so we went inside opened the refrigerator and grabbed two pieces of left over pizza and brought them outside and started chowing down. It was hilarious.
It took little Jay a little while but he finally warmed up to my mom and Ollie. They are stomping on shadows in this pic! Thank goodness Maw Maw came over. She really knows how to entertain two year old boys!
After little Jay and Chris left we headed to Forest Park for Arthur's Picnic in the Park. It was advertised as a free family festival where the kids could meet Clifford, Super Why, Curious George & Bert & Ernie! I expected the characters to just be wandering around. Wrong! They were each in their own tents and each tent had an hour long line! Yikes! We decided to get in the line for Bert & Ernie and then we were going to head out. Maw Maw got Ollie a "cold one"! He really liked it and got it all over himself but at least he stayed cool! We stood in this line for an hour and a half. But to our surprise...Bert & Ernie were not there, but guess who was...
ELMO!! Holy cow, Ollie got to see Elmo!
Ollie got 2 hugs from Elmo and a high five! He was so excited.
After Elmo Ollie still wanted to go in the train! They had big bounce houses and one was a Thomas the Train house. Of course these lines were just as long. Thank goodness we got in line when we did because we were second to last before they closed the line for the day. Look at this line!
Maw Maw took Ollie around to play while I stood in the Thomas line. Ollie is sitting in the window of the Noah's Ark bounce house watching the other kids play.

Finally it was Ollie's turn! In the Thomas house he climbed up a ladder and then slid down the slide. Then he jumped with the kids on the other side.

He had a great time jumping but in the last minute that he was allowed to jump him and a little girl collided heads so it was not a happy time when he had to get out. Poor buddy! After the picnic we went to El Maguey and then to Fritz! It was a pretty busy and fun day!

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