Monday, March 30, 2009

Park time!

After we played in the snow yesterday we met Papa and Great-Papa at Cecil's for lunch and then they came back to our house. Ollie was so excited that they were here he was bouncing all over the place to show off for them.

Later Aunt Erin and I took Ollie to City Centre Park.
Ollie was flying like Batman!!!

Then this little boy gets there and walks up to Ollie and says "is that Handy Manny?" Ollie said uh huh, and then the little boy asks if Ollie will play with him and Ollie says yes. The boy says "I'm 6" Ollie says "I'm 5"! I said he's 2 1/2 and the boy says I'm lots older than you, but they still played together. They were inseparable until the boy had to leave. We never did catch his name.

They ran all over the place together.

If Ollie couldn't find him he would yell "friend, friend??" They had a good time.

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