Friday, September 24, 2010

Soccer & Park time!

Last Saturday was Ollie's first soccer game. When we got there he got nervous because the games are at a different place than where practice is so he did not know what to expect. Ollie did not play but we stayed and watched his team and I explained what was happening and at later on I told him that his friends looked hot and tired and could use his help. He got up and said he would tell Coach Shane he would play a few minutes but just then the game was over. He said he would play tomorrow. However, Sunday's game was canceled because of the rain. We'll see what happens this weekend.

Here are some pics from practice Thursday night.

We went to DQ after practice.

We walked to the park twice this week with Kathryn & Becky and tonight Ollie and I rode our bikes to the park and made it home just before dark. Now we are just waiting for Daddy to finally get home from out-of-town!

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