Saturday, January 9, 2010

Swim Class

Ollie is taking swim class again this year on Saturday mornings. This year I do not have to get in the water with him. Here are some pics of his class this morning.

Here is Katherine, she is in his class too.

So, let me tell you how this morning went. First, we got up and Chris had let Bella out and put her in the basement so Ollie and I could sleep in, otherwise she would whine right by my head until I woke up. So, we get up and let her upstairs only to find that she had pooped in the basement. So first thing I had to clean up dog poop. Then, it was time to go to the Dr. so Ollie could get his second H1N1 shot. He was not happy about this and of course cried that he did not want to have any holes poked in him. Good thing was that it went very fast and we were out of there in plenty of time to make it to swim class early. Of course, there was a 13 school swim meet going on so there was no place to park, we had to follow some guys that were leaving and get their spot in the very back. Ollie had a good time in class but then it was time to go and we got him dressed and decided to take the elevator upstairs to leave. We ride the elevator up and when the door opens he throws a fit and stays in the back corner crying that he did not want to take the elevator he wanted to take the stairs. So, since I could not get out without him, down we go. While walking up the stairs he says he wants to eat there but we can't because we have to go pick up Maw Maw. So I drag him out of the Rec-Plex and across the first lane and he takes off running back across the lane and into the Rec-Plex screaming and crying that he does not want to leave, he wants to eat there. I am fuming now! I go back in with my giant purse and swim bag and pick him up in all of his winter gear and carry him back out the door and down the hill. When we get into the parking lot I put him down and hold his hand. A van is following up because there is still no place to park and he keeps throwing himself to the ground in the black slush. The van keeps following us. We get to the car and I have to let go of his hand to get my keys and he takes off running through the parked cars, I catch up to him before he gets out into the lane and put him in the car still crying. Don't worry that van got our spot and they deserved it after they waited through all of this nonsense. We went to pick up Maw Maw and decided to get a pizza for lunch and take it back to our house. Well Maw Maw cannot find her debit card so after I get back to the car with the pizza we have to go back to her house. She is freaking out looking through her purse frantically, meanwhile, Ollie spilled all of his pizza cookies and is now upset because he can't find his cookies! Once we got back to her house I found the card in her coat pocket and then we went back to our house because Ollie refused to get out of the car to eat there, he wanted to go home. Anyway, we finally made it home to eat and hang out for about 45 min and then we had to leave again to take Maw Maw to the airport. By the time we got back Ollie was sound asleep and is still sleeping, I need to go wake him up so he will sleep tonight. What a morning! Seriously!

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