Saturday, October 4, 2008

Massive Garage Sale!

This morning I got up at 5:45 loaded up the car put Ollie in in carseat and went to pick up my mom by 6:15. Then we dropped Ollie off at my dad's house and headed to Shiloh, IL for a huge subdivision garage sale. I look forward to this sale every year. You cannot even drive your car in there are way too many people. They have 4 porta potties and several police directing traffic. There are also several homes that sell food. You can't really tell by the pic but this yellow bus with smiley faces on it pulls a trailer that sells brats, chicken k-bobs sodas, sno-cones, etc.
The streets are lined with cars and people walking from house to house. I was a little bummed today because there is one house that sells wooden lawn decorations and she must have not made as many as last year because I was looking forward to going back to buy a big turkey to put in my yard for Thanksgiving but she did not have any turkey's this year...bummer! I guess I will have to wait until next year to see if she makes anymore. We did pretty well but have done better in the past. Not as many house participated this year so there was more walking between them, still there were at least 100 houses, so I cannot really complain. I will still go next year!
Meanwhile, Ollie was busy helping Papa mow some lawns and then he thought it was fun to his the tennis balls hanging in their garage with a bat!

Thanks for watching Ollie Papa, Grandma Pati & Great-Papa!!

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