Monday, July 15, 2013

Gulf Shores, AL!!!

Oliver gets some quality time with Oscar on vacation!
Oliver and Ivy making sand castles!

Oliver and Ivy both found a friend to play with one day!

Maw Maw & Ivy looking for seashells for a necklace!

Tyler & Oliver playing video games.
Oliver tried snorkeling one day.

Here's our tent on the beach.  Our beach house is directly behind.  We were right on the beach!!

Oscar is sleeping again.
Oliver diving into the waves.

Oliver and his buddy made a sand castle fort.  They called it "Beach Kingdom"
Oscar took a bath in a bucket. Poor little guy wonders what we are doing to him all the time. I just love his facial expressions.

Wednesday night Erin, Kevin, Me & Chris went to Behind the Pines for Karaoke night.  We had a great time!  We closed them down.

Kevin singing Livin on a Prayer!

Oliver's feet were buried under a sand fort.

The guys are playing Frisbee.  A shark swam by a few times and Chris was patting the water trying to get it to come closer.  Crazy!  Then 4 dolphins swam by and scared the shark away.  Very cool.

On our last night there, Chris went out to the beach to find his fishing lures and he literally tripped over a giant sea turtle!  We all ran down to the beach to see it.  We had taken pics when Chris read that sea turtles are protected and we shouldn't be shining lights at them.  So we all headed in.  But I was not going to get rid of the 2 pics I had already taken. 

The conservation people drove by in the morning and moved all the eggs (117 of them) up higher on the beach and taped them off so people would not bother them.  How cool it that?!?  It was like we were live in an animal planet show!

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