Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Busy Saturday

Thursday was Valentine's Day. We got Oliver a glo fish tank with 4 glo fish! We set it up in his room Wednesday night after he fell asleep so he woke up to see them on Thursday morning!
Saturday morning we all headed to the Science Center.  The kids were so excited to see the big dinosaurs!  Oliver loves dinosaurs!

Oliver & Maw Maw checked out what 75mph winds would feel like in a tornado!

Checking out the cars on the highway!

Ivy wants to see the cars too!

Saturday night we went to the Blue & Gold Dinner for the Cub Scouts.  Ollie is showing Gavin pics of his treehouse.

They had a really good kids entertainer.  He was crazy and got all the kids really wound up! There were bean bags, buckets & sticks, bubbles and a toilet paper gun!

Oliver is holding the toilet paper gun.  It appears to be a leaf blower with a long paint stick with roller and a roll of toilet paper on the roller.  The toilet paper flies into the air when the blower is on!

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