Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Chris got a double-banded Christmas Goose this year!  Supposedly double-banded geese are very rare - we are all very excited!!!

We spent Christmas Eve-Eve at Grandma Toussaint's house.  Unfortunately I forgot my camera :( but it was great to see everyone!

Christmas Eve we went over to Papa's house.  Ollie & Ivy were very patient before opening presents.

Finally it's time to open presents!!

Papa got a zip line!  Ollie cannot wait to try it out!!!

I got a new Otter box for my phone and some adjustable dumbbells!

Ollie got some superheros to put together!  He loves that kind of stuff.
It was a castle Christmas for Ivy.  She got a Little People Princess Singing Castle and a Barbie Princess & the Pop Star Singing Castle! 

Here's a pic of our street with all the milk jug lanterns.
Santa's been here...

Ollie was so excited and got lots of new toys!

Bella got a chicken flavored bone!
After presents at our house we went to Maw maw's.  Ollie had to be very patient until Ivy got there!

Ewww...stinky underwear!

What little stinkers...I guess they are tired of getting their pictures taken.  Then my battery died so no pics from Aunt Barb's house either
Oh well, it was a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of love & family!

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