Friday, February 24, 2012

Valentine Dance!!!

Friday evening we picked up Ivy and had dinner. Then they each got a cup of cookies n cream icecream. Ivy took the first bite and looked up and said "this is nummy!!!"

Later, we headed to Ollie's school for their Valentine dance. Ollie started off dancing with lots of little girls all at the same time! They were all spinning in a circle.

Ollie really wanted to dance with Sophia. But Sophia wanted to dance with Jason. Oh the drama begins!
Ollie is break dancing!
Jason & his Aunt Rachel
Ollie & Kasey (the red sweater) were play fighting. They are two of a kind. We had to pull them apart a few times. We were afraid someone might get hurt. What did they do as soon as we let go? Continue to fight! Crazy boys!
Really, buddy? Can't we get a normal picture?

1 comment:

Maw-maw said...

So this is Sophia !