Monday, December 13, 2010

It Snowed!!!

Saturday night I made pot roast for dinner and Ollie started in on his normal "I don't like this dinner." So he decided to make his own peanut butter & jelly sandwich. He did it all by himself. Then he played with some playdough while me & Maw Maw ate dinner and I put forks of roast, potatos & corn in front of him and he ate everything on his plate. What a stinker!

Sunday there was SNOW!!! Ollie was very excited and couldn't wait to get out there. I had to meet some friends for lunch so Daddy took him out 3 times while I was gone. He attached one of the sleds to the mower and pulled him around the back yard. They had a great time. When I got home we had to go out one more time and go sledding. We went to the big hill behind the park and we flew down the hill. It was so much fun!

That evening everyone came over for dinner. Daddy made spaghetti! Ollie of course had a small fit about not liking the dinner and Daddy sent him upstairs and told him to come back down when he was ready to eat. He never came back down. About 6:30 I went up to check on him and he was sound asleep just like last week. I put him in bed and he slept all night. Playing in the snow really wore him out!

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