Sunday, March 7, 2010

Another Beautiful Day

Today was a beautiful day! It was in the 60's and sunny for the most part. The clouds would roll in every once in awhile but then they would go away. We started out the day by getting to Church early so Ollie could play in their playground before Sunday School.

We stopped by the grocery store on the way home and then changed clothes and went outside. I picked up poop and Ollie rode his truck over to the park to play. After a few minutes two little girls came to the park they all three played together for the rest of the afternoon. They played in the sand together for a long time and then the girls left and we weren't sure if they were coming back so Ollie came in and I made him a corndog and then the girls showed back up with their scooters. So off went Ollie with his spider-man scooter and they went up and down the bike trail. I parked a chair in front of the back door and sat their with a magazine making sure I could see him at all times. At 3:00 Ollie decided he wanted to come in for awhile, so the girls headed home, the little one was not very happy so I told her she could come back and play another day.

In the meantime, Daddy came home from his fishing trip and after Ollie finally ate his lunch they went out and washed Ollie's truck. It was really dirty.

Then Daddy BBQ'd some pork steaks and Aunt Erin came over for dinner. Now, Ollie just got out the bath and into his jammies and is laying on his Batman couch watching Batman & Robin with Mr. Freeze & Poison Ivy and I'm sure he will be asleep within the next 1/2 hour and I can settle in and watch the Oscars!!! Perfect day!

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