Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

As soon as Ollie came downstairs yesterday he found his Valentine. He said "that is mine!"
He got a spiderman treasure chest or "chesser chest" as he calls it. Really it is just a metal box with spiderman on it. But inside there was a sticker book, a heart lollipop, a chocolate marshmellow heart and some other little toys and on the bottom was a new Scooby Doo movie with a Valentine special on it!

Ollie or Batman or is it Superman? Anyway, he is watching Scooby while playing. This is the life!

For dinner, Papa, Grandma Pati, Aunt Erin, Uncle Kevin and US all went out to dinner. The snow had started about an hour before so the roads were getting bad. We just went up to Cecil's. Ollie ate his dinner and Papa gave him a big box of Nerds for his Valentine! That is the biggest box I have ever seen! Then everyone headed their separate ways. Aunt Erin & Uncle Kevin were off to a movie, Papa & Grandma Pati went back to their hotel by the airport so they could leave for Aruba early this morning and we just came back home. I wish I was going to Aruba! I don't know about anyone else but I am ready for Spring!

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