Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday morning conversation

Ollie and I slept in this morning. I woke up around 8:24 and Ollie's eyes opened up and he smiled at me. Here is our conversation:

Mommy: Good morning! Are you ready to start the day?
Ollie: I just want to lay with you a little bit.
Mommy: Okay, I like to snuggle with you.
Ollie was looking at me and rubbing on my face and then gave me a kiss on the forehead.
Mommy: Are you always going to be this sweet?
Ollie: I don't know.
Mommy: Are you always going to love Mommy?
Ollie: Yes! And Mommy ears and mommy eye and mommy eye and mommy nose!
and then he giggles
Then we talked about what day it was and that we don't have to go to work or school on Saturdays.
Ollie: I like Saturdays! I don't like Tuesdays!
Ollie: No work or school today.
Mommy: Nope, what do you want to do today? Something fun?
Ollie: Something fun with you!

What a sweetheart! I don't think I could have gotten a sweeter little boy - I hope he stays like this forever! When he is fifteen I am going to have to have him read this so he remembers how much he loves me.

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