Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ivy Elizabeth Thurston

Ivy was born at 1:21 am on April 28, 2010. She was 9lbs 5oz! Holy cow! She looks beautiful though, just like her Mommy. Here is Ivy with a very proud Maw Maw and another Grandma in the background. Sorry this is the only Grandparent pic I have right now.

Look at all that hair! Ivy with her Papa!

They put a little bow on her stocking cap!

Looks like she had a rough time coming out. Erin was pushing for an hour and she was face up. Poor little thing.

Ivy and her Momma!

Ivy with Mommy & Daddy!

The Thurston's

Fun little story: I am in Kansas City for training and I just knew I was going to miss Ivy's birth. Erin called at 4pm and told me her water broke and I was ready to drive home but decided against it because I was not sure how long it would take and would have to leave my house before 5am to make it back in time for training. Anyway I was talking with my parents all evening and then told my dad I was going to bed but to keep me updated. I woke up a little before 1:30am and hadn't heard from anyone and could not get back to sleep so I tried to call my mom but she did not answer, she had her phone turned down. Then I called my dad and he said Erin started pushing around 12:30am. I asked if mom was there and talked to her. Told her she was supposed to be updating me and that if Erin had been pushing that long then someone should go stand by the door and listen for a baby. A few minutes later my mom called me and said that she heard a baby crying and then a nurse came out of the room and I heard her tell my mom that everyone was fine and the baby was 9lbs 5 oz but then the phone kept breaking up so I called my dad and said "she's 9' 5" and he said "I don't think so they told us awhile ago she was at 10" (he was talking about dialated). I said "No 9lbs 5 oz she's here!"He repeated what I said out loud and I could hear Pati, John & Paula all yell out with excitement! How cool, I got to be a part of it even though I am in KC!
I spoke to Erin when they let everyone in the room and she sounded good and looks good in these pics. I can't wait to see Ivy tomorrow when I get home. I am going to pick up Ollie and we are going to head straight to the hospital tomorrow evening!

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